Teaching activities
Jean-Yves Tourneret is teaching in the departments "Digital
Sciences" and "Electronics, Electrical Engineering &
Automatics" of the engineering school INP-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse
(France). He is responsible of the following courses at the
undergraduate and graduate levels:
- Deterministic and random signals
- Linear filtering
- Sampling
- Poisson Processes
- Discrete and continuous random variables
- Mathematical Expectation
- Change of variables
- Extension to random vectors
- Properties of Gaussian vectors
- The statistical model
- Estimation theory
- Maximum likelihood method
- Moment method
- Bayesian estimation
- Hypothesis testing
- Neyman-Pearson
- Generalized likelihood ratio
- Goodness-of-fit tests (Kolmogorov, Chi-Square)
- Moindres carrés
- Classification supervisée (Bayes, kPPV, Machines à
vecteurs supports)
- Classification non supervisée (K-means, DBSCAN, ...)
- Détection d'anomalies
- Régression logistique
- Réseaux de neurones (perceptron, réseaux convolutifs,
réseaux récurrents, ...)
- Goodness-of-fit tests (Kolmogorov, Chi-Square)
- Tests based on ranks (Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney)
- Normality tests